Aimed at all students who have confirmed their place with us in September!
We are looking forward to seeing our new students this Friday. Please if you already haven't fill out the form attached to confirm your place for training. Also attached is the phased return document which lists details in how the training will run. In essence, it is something that is in place to keep everyone safe. When you arrive on Friday at the site, your temperature will be checked and you will be placed in a training bubble with other students. Once training is over you will be free to leave safely. Please note that the CrossFit car park is not the biggest so you may need to park somewhere else close to the site. In terms of clothing and footwear, we recommend you wear sports gear (unless you already have your Nike Park View training kit) alongside appropriate footwear for grass. I have attached the relevant information below. TRAINING ADDRESS Church Chare, Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham, DH3 3QA TRAINING TIMES Male Footballers - You will need to arrive at 12:45 for a 13:00 start. The training session will finish at 14:00. Women Footballers & Cricketers - You will need to arrive at 14:15 for a 14:30 start. The training session will finish at 15:30. TRAINING REGISTER FORM FOR FRIDAY 👇 https://forms.gle/8X8n876bJQVeXrmDA PHASED RETURN FORM FOR NEW STUDENTS. 👇 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kOAK-dcrCydXpWMra3X9f5OaerUZIUB-AWL8PaJ6fBw/edit?usp=sharing Thanks, Park View Academy of Sport