Please read carefully the full timetable for the next two weeks at the academy.
It is important if you are studying Active IQ, BTEC or A-Levels you read the below carefully so you know what days you need to be in.
Please be at your bus pick up location at the correct time if you are in.
Wednesday 2nd September
All Year 12 A levels students are IN from 9:00am -15:20pm.
Year 12 & Year 13 Active IQ & BTEC and Year 13 A Level will NOT be in.
Thursday 3rd September
Year 12 & Year 13 Active IQ, BTEC & A Level students will be IN and will follow a normal daily timetable.
Active IQ & BTEC students to report to the Riverside.
A-Level students to report to lessons on your normal timetable which you will receive on Wednesday.
Friday 4th September
Year 12 & Year 13 A Level will be IN.
Year 12 & Year 13 Active IQ and BTEC will NOT be in due to Cricket match and COVID restrictions.
(This day will be used for students to contact teachers/coaches if they have any questions that may have arisen.)
Monday 7th September until Thursday 10th September
All students to be IN and on a normal timetable.
Friday 11th September
Year 12 & Year 13 A Level will be IN.
Year 12 & Year 13 Active IQ, BTEC will NOT be in due to Cricket match and COVID restrictions.
Please note there will be no food provision at the Sticky Wicket this week.
Can we ask all students to bring a packed lunch if they are down the Riverside this week.